On saturday night I attended a Christmas party with Valerie in downtown. It was held at her co-worker Jed's fantastic loft that I couldn't help but fall in love with. I honestly loved how he and his girl friend Jillian decorated their home, it wasn't too modern or too twilighty either, it was just right. There little toys every where, he also built many things in the apartment, my favorite was a box that held his t.v. in place on a rail. Pabst, Vodka, and snazzy alcohol made the party but the deviled eggs made it worth my while even though they smelled like a gas chamber filled with human gas. There was also some pretty fashionable people in attendance, specially in the guys department, very edward cullen-esque outfits, I was all about it. Now, every one thought I was being a downer because I was sitting by myself and not mingling like a normal person would but for the record I honestly did have a great time and I am glad I went, there was tons of eye candy for me to look at.
cuuute. looks fun. did you cut vals bangs too?